I dont know if anyone even reads my blog any more, but I thought I would update it anyways. Well it has been a very long, stressful two years. Caitlin is now 9 turning ten in March, Zander is 7 and Gavin is now 4. It is amazing how fast my offspring has grown up. During the summer we sold our house in West Jordan and we are now renting a house in Riverton, its not our favorite but it is a roof over our heads right?
I finally graduated from nursing school in September and passed state boards in Novemeber. I cant beleive I am an official Registered Nurse, this is something I have always wanted but never beleived I would ever acheive. (See everyone high school drop outs can amount to something) Now I'm struggling to find a job, I finally get through with school and of course there is no longer nursing shortage. This so was not in my plan, I just hope and pray that I find a job soon since my lovely student loans are going to be due here soon. I still am working as a CNA, but I would so much rather get paid nurses wages instead of CNA wages.
Oh ya our family is growing...yes we are having our fourth and last child due June 8. It was quite the surprise since we did get rid of all of our baby stuff during the move. This is another reason why I need a job!!! As of today I am 15 weeks, so next month we get to find out what we are having and most importantly if this little baby is healthy or not. I know this sounds crazy but I really dont think I could handle having another baby born with any problems. It was horrible to watch Gavin go through what he did knowing that there wasnt a thing I could do to make it better. I know the chances are good that this baby will be healthy, but I thought that with my last baby and got the worst news of my life so the thought is always in the back of my mind.
My camera is broken at the moment so no new pics at this time.
10 years ago