Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our own survivorman

Sorry this posting is supposed to go with the picture below. So my cute little Zander was playing outside by himself, well I went outside and found that he was roasting a stuffed frog. I thought it was funny. I asked what he was doing and he said that he was making dinner, like it was no big thing. I dont know if I should be worried about this kid, I just figure he's getting ready to be the next surviorman.


Silvia said...

Oh that's absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! LOL Oh my goodness!!!! And he tied the frog up really good too! That's so funny!!!!

Weisenbeck Family said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I will be watching for him on the next survivor.

Patty said...

I kind of find your blog offensive, maybe you should be more carefull about your posts.